The housing crisis won’t end until we build social rent and council homes.

Agree? Add your name to our letter to Angela Rayner.

Sign the Open Letter

Dear Deputy Prime Minister,

Labour says it’ll build 1.5 million homes - great. But how many will be council houses or social rent? Don’t give us fluff, give us numbers. The devil’s in the details, and we need it in black and white.

160,000 children don’t have a permanent home. 

1.3 million households are stuck on waiting lists. 

That’s not just statistics - that’s a crisis. So let’s stop dodging and start answering.

Angela, how many kids will get a real home?

How many families will finally get off the waiting list?

We need answers. We need action.

Angela, you grew up in social housing. You know what it means to have a safe, stable home. It’s more than just a ‘roof over our heads’. Every family deserves a home.  Our home builds our futures. 

So tell us: How Many Homes? 

We are counting - and we are counting on you.